Mesotherapy is a treatment method and should be 4 main headings:

1) Slimming

2) Cellulite treatment

3) Hair Loss Prevention and Hair Rejuvenation

4) Skin Rejuvenation (Mezolift)




It is a very effective method for the removal of fats. The patient doesn’t feel pain during the application. The needle tips are attached to the mesotherapy gun and applied to the patient.


  1. Cellulite Treatment and Thinning 

    This cellulite and area slimming is injected drug with a thin triple needle to the desired areas as well as to the areas such as the leg, abdomen, hips, stomach, side, back, arm area.When the person has a general weight problem, the diet is given with mesotherapy. The person's height, weight and body measurements (fat, muscle) are taken before the diet is given. If the problem If there are any problems for the person’s gaining weight, they are search and treated. The diet program is prepared for the person. It is possible to lose weight between 5-8 weight during in the month.

3) Hair Loss Prevention and Rejuvenation.
These are different factors:
1- Nutrition disorders 
2- Thyroid hormone deficits 
3- Vitamin deficiencies 
4- Mineral deficiencies 
5- Virus
6 Hormones 
7- Medicine

 Our main purpose in hair mesotherapy is to prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT. You get a new hair after the medicine treatment. 
The purpose of mesotherapy is to complete the anagen (growth) phase of hair and complete growth as in all other hair treatments.

4) Skin Rejuvenation (Mezolift) 
What is Mezolift? 

Mesolift is tested method that has been popularized in France and Italy, which revitalizes and treats on the face, neck and decollete skin. It is a method of manually injecting prepared mixtures with special techniques by using special techniques.

This therapeutic method is performed without any surgery, face-lifting without anesthesia, reduction of fractures, filling, contour correction, anti-aging, long-term success.

Lipo-Dissolve / Lipostabil application for the reduction of custody oil bags has been spreading recently.

What are the benefits of Mezolift?

1) İt increases skin tension.

2) İt decrease wrinkles and pores. 

3) İt increases collagen production 

4) The aging delays.